Institute for Behavioral Health and Applied Research


Institute of Behavioral Health and Applied Research (IBH) was established in 2016 in collaboration with Department of Psychology of AUCA. Institute provides services for the community of Bishkek and serves as a platform for research and trainings for professionals inside and outside of AUCA. Specialists of IBH provide psychological counseling and assessment services, psychiatric consultations, counseling and trainings for parents of special kids and trainings for community specialists. IBH also provides a range of free-of-charge services to individuals in need and offers a graduate internship program. The Institute works in close collaboration with a number of community partners to provide counseling, assessment and trainings for individuals and specislists.

For community

The Institute serves community of Kyrgyzstan by providing evidence-based assessment and counseling for individuals, families, groups and organizations. Through multiple partnerships with local health centers, organizations and charity funds, the Institute provides a road ranga of services, including psychological counseling, assessment and testing, vocational guidance, cognitive assessment, diagnosis of Autism Specrtum disorders and Lerning Disabilities, family counseling and psychopharmacological treatment.

For professionals

The Institute provides services for professionals in psychology and social sciences in Bishkek, Kyrgyztan, through trainings and research collaboration with local organizations and agencies. The Institute contributes to sustainable professional development of the faculty members of AUCA through their continuous practical involvement in psychological assessment, consultations, training and student mentoring. The Institute serves as a center for faculty’s own scholarly research in the relevant areas of psychology, and the broad scope of the Institute in both assessment and consultation is inclusive of the current faculty research interests.

For students

..The Institute serves as a platform for the diverse training needs of advanced graduate and undergraduate graduate students in psychology to develop competencies in counseling, research and assessment.

The Institute offers Graduate Internship Program with focuses on counseling and research. If functions as a unique training facility for students of Master of Arts in Applied Psychology (MAPAP) program and students of other social sciences departments.


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